The Norwegian Dental Journal

The Journal of the Norwegian Dental Association, The Norwegian Dental Journal (Tidende), is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal and a membership magazine for the Norwegian Dental Association - and the only scientific as well as the only independent journal for dentists in Norway. The content is primarily published in Norwegian, with some articles translated to English and always with English summaries.

Editorial policies

The Norwegian Dental Association publishes one journal: The Norwegian Dental Journal. The journal is edited in line with the Declaration on the Rights and Duties of the Editor (Redaktørplakaten) and follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Norwegian Dental Journal is also a member of the Norwegian Trade Press Association (Fagpressen).

Our objectives are to:

• Be a medium for dental education that stimulates dentists to maintain and enhance their professional and clinical  skills.
• Encourage odontological research and professional development.
• Contribute to the development of ethical and cultural standards in the odontological community.
• Foster debate on oral health policy issues.
• Be a society journal for the Norwegian Dental Association

Peer review policy

After initial screening, all qualified scientific articles are peer reviewed (single-blind) by two independent reviewers and edited in line with teh principles and guidelines of scientific publishing set in ICMJE.

Advertising policy

The Norwegian Dental Journal publishes product advertisements for equipments and services relevant to practicing dentists as well as job advertisements and classified ads for purchase and sale of dental clinic/practice.All advertiser content is clearly separated from editorial content. The journal has an employee who is dedicated to sale of ads only, and operate independently of the editorial staff. This separation is mandated by the Association of Norwegian Editors.

Advertising prices and deadlines appear in the Norwegian Dental Journal’s media plan.

Research ethics policy

All research activities that involve human participants are required to state and confirm that the study has been evaluated and approved by the Regional ethic committees (REK) in Norway or corresponding National Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (NEM) (if the origin of manuscript is abroad. The work of the medical research ethics committees is based on international conventions such as the Declaration of Helsinki and the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations).

Informed consent policy

All research resulting in a publication in The Norwegian Dental Journal has to be carried out according to the articles on Informed consent (25-32) in The Declaration of Helsinki.

The Norwegian Dental Journal requires preservation of patient anonymity. When detailed patient descriptions, photographs, or videos of faces or identifiable body parts are used that may allow identification of the participants, authors obtain the individual's prior informed consent.

The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern

In the case of errors, The Norwegian Dental Journal publishes a correction notice as soon as possible, detailing relevant changes and citing the original publication. The journal will also post a new article version with detail of the changes from the original version and the date on which the changes were made.The journal saves all versions of the article.
Errors serious enough to invalidate a paper’s result and conclusions will require a retraction.


The journal is owned by the Norwegian Dental Association, and the editorial team is organized as a department in the association. There is a separate section in the journal for membership news. The remainder of the journal is edited and produced by the journal’s editorial staff.

The Editorial Board advises the editor-in-chief on strategic and operational matters. The board consists of up to ten members and is appointed by the editor-in-chief.

Read more about the Norwegian Dental Journal in the legislation governing the Norwegian Dental Association.

Publication model

All content is published on the website and is freely accessible to all. All published articles from 1 January 2000 onwards are available on and are fully searchable. Most articles are included in the paper edition, which is published 11 times a year. The paper edition is sent to all members of the Norwegian Dental Association, including odontology students and a range of libraries, universities and political institutions. The circulation is approximately 7 000 (November 2022).

There is no submission fee or article processing charge (APC). If the article is translated into English, the authors pay the cost.

Content and editorial process

The Journal of the Norwegian Dental Association is a general odontological journal and publishes various types of articles. The paper edition is divided into three sections: odontological science, features and opinions.

All the scientific articles are subject to external peer review as well as an editorial assessment prior to potential publication. Opinion-articles submitted to the journal generally do not undergo external peer review.

In addition to scientific articles the journal also publishes news reports, profile interviews, debate articles, book reviews etc.  

The journal publishes 70-80 per cent of the scientific manuscripts submitted, depending on the type of article. In 2022, we publish 29 original articles, 1 review article, and 10 case reports. The time from submission to publication varies but normally it takes 40 to 50 weeks for scientific articles and about eight weeks for opinion articles.

Indexing and publication points

The journal is registered as a Level 1-journal in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. This means that some types of articles will provide publication points. This is decided by the institutions themselves.

Licences and copyright

All content is freely accessible on the website. Tidende has the copyright to all content published on unless the article is specifically marked with a Creative Commons (CC) licence.

Other information

Established: 1890 Currently 50 000a month
Number printed in November 2022: 7 000
Annual number of manuscripts assessed: approx. 50

ISSN 0029-2303 (print)

ISSN 1894-180X(web)